10 “Fun” Study Tips (Not Really!)

By Courtney Stow //

Whether we like it or not, all of us dread studying for those never-ending exams looming over our shoulders. Often we spend so much time worrying about it that not much studying is actually done. But do not fret, I’ve compiled ten easy tips to help us all in that area:

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Practice on old exams

This is proven to be one of the most effective and efficient methods of studying; it helps familiarize oneself with the possible test format and/ or questions that may appear on your next quiz or test. Ultimately, it helps to ensure that nothing too different pops out at you.  

Explain your answers to others (Study Buddies!)

You’ll actually be surprised with how much you remember when you try explaining something to someone who’s confused. Also, study groups of similar academic aptitude is actually useful to many individuals by having group members share their own thought processes and reiterating critical points or topics for an exam. 

Take regular breaks 

Sometimes reviewing can be nerve-wracking, which is why many of us feel the need to study for hours on end without a break. However, trust me when I say, I’ve been there before and it doesn’t help—it only adds to the stress. Even if the breaks are a few minutes between each section, take it. Your mind needs it.  Play a quick game, listen to a song…

Use your voice

It’s known that speaking out loud, instead of just reading, helps us remember more information, since the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada researched that the dual effect of both speaking and hearing more strongly repeats your study material.  

Times New Roman is the Fastest Font to Read

Simply self-explanatory:

This is easy to read

This is easy to read

This isn’t easy to read

Listen to the correct musicImage result for music transparent

Typically, it is said that a quiet environment is ideal, but for some, music is ideal to prevent boredom or dozing off at your desk, so it’s recommended to play music on low volume if you’re one of those people. Everyone has different music preferences, but studies have shown that classical music reduces anxiety and tension the most, making it the best option. Ambient music (gentle; no consistent beat), nature sounds, movie soundtracks, etc. are all great sources as well.

The power of scents

Use scents or gum to jog your memory. The more unusual scented, the better! Or, use peppermint. Chew that certain gum while you are studying, and then make sure you are chewing it during the test to help you remember what you studied.

Treat yo’self

Studying is often irksome which is why granting yourself a snack, a quick walk, or episode of your favorite television series can take you a long way to relax your mind and remove the anxiety plaquing you.  But don’t take it for granted—you know who you are!

Classroom friends

Make a friend in every class; unless being alone works for you, having someone to talk to and ask questions for help is always great.

Think on the move

In order to help you retain and recall information, try changing your study areas each day. This is because while studying, your brain connects bits of knowledge with certain sceneries. So if you study in more areas, you’ll make more connections, thus making it easier to recall facts.

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